Tuesday, June 10, 2008

about a kid - adam tensta

people write a lot about adam tensta. they write about his choice of artist name, his gene pool, and about his bright and promising future. and however boring i find that to be, i suppose it’s all good, it means i don’t have to.

i want to write about this kid adam. who surprised me by combining something i like (rap) with something i don’t like (techno and some house) and made it into a tweak of something i love (hip hop). usually i find that combinations like this, one good and one bad, turn into mediocre at its best, and sometimes even worse than the bad was on its own. but adam pulls it off. not in all his songs, but surely in a handful of the kind of uneven debut album “it’s a tensta thing”.

one of my favorites from the album is “dopeboy”, a good example of this using of beats heavily influenced by techno and house. this track won me over the first time i heard it because of the lyrics. years before adam wrote it i was fending off idiots while screaming that same line. and this is the second thing i want to mention about him. adam is one of the smart kids. he doesn’t smoke, drink, or do drugs. at twenty-four he is actually a good role model, something scarce when it comes to rappers.

that, in addition to a god damn awesome voice and obvious musical talent, is why i like adam.

the hit single “my cool” is simply why everyone else likes him. and why people write a lot about adam tensta. or, rather, why all this writing is just the beginning.


Anonymous said...

nice slideshow + soundtrack: http://gardsater.se/index_tensta.html


mushi said...

oh. sweet. i hadn't seen that :) thanks!