Monday, March 31, 2008

- gadd, babymaker gadd.

for a few years, not very much happened in my cd collection after the entrance of mikael rickfors. the next cd i remember getting was eric gadd’s “on display” in the early nineties. i can’t remember who gave it to me, but “on display” turned out to be one of the best albums of all time. it’s also the only cd i’ve had break on me because i played it too many times.

eric gadd is commonly referred to the swedish king of soul. and, i’ve heard that several couples have thanked him for providing the music that inspired the conception of their children. and why not? i’ll believe it. maybe there will be more swedes soon. thanks, eric.

i haven’t heard anything new from him for years, and was really excited when i realized he just released a new single. unfortunately he decided to return to singing in swedish, but with these lyrics it’s a good thing not very many people will understand them. disregarding that, i think the first single is great, and look forward to hearing the rest of the album.

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